Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ignorance Was Bliss

I think Chicken Mama may have solved the mystery of Kelso.  As soon as I saw her comment on my last post regarding my "Mystery Chicken", I hit up the Internet in search of what this bird may be.

She called in her vote as a Buff Laced Polish.  I have a feeling she nailed it.  Here is Kelso as seen yesterday:
Here is one I found on the Internet:
Hold your seats....this will be him in just a few short weeks:
And then, holy moly, full grown:
Now riddle me this, what the heck am I gonna do with one of these? 

I'm a little freaked out by Kelso right now!

Next time - must ignore Pig Pen when he insists - ignorance is bliss!


  1. Oh, I'm laughing so hard I almost spit my coffee all over the computer screen!! Boy, that second picture looks like a flash back from the 70's!! You are going to have one funky looking chicken!!

  2. Hey, Funky Chicken! Poor lad. Maybe you can find a local 4-H kiddling that would like to raise him to show? I had a Polish chicken (one of those "surprise" additions to my order as well) and all the other chickens pulled his head feathers out until he resembled a French monk.

  3. Robin, right??? I wonder if he walks with some funk too? Maybe a psychodelic chicken saddle is in order...hehehe!

    Susan, hey, 4H is a good idea actually. I would feel bad, I mean, I know we can love him, but still. Practically speaking...eh. And yes'm I did read that they tend to get picked on in mixed flocks.

    French monk...funny!!!

  4. But I like him! I think he will be very pretty. I think he will fit in fine with your brood. He just needs a little neck scarf. If things go badly, I see a need for a chicken diaper in your future. And he can be a free range house chicken.

  5. Jane, well Pig Pen thinks he looks "Cool". Go figure! Last night he was calling him "Chicken Nugget", now this! Tell ya what, I will make some chicken diapers and send him your way! Kidding! ;)

  6. Talk about awkward looking at the adolescent age! We've had very good luck with "different" chickens blending in with our flock so maybe Chicken Nugget will be fine.

  7. Remind me to visit you at night...when it is pitch dark out. Just a tad creepy. Hope he doesn't get bullied by the others for being "different."

  8. You know APG, you yourself have a history of "Big Hair". Are you suprised that karma has found you, tapped you on the shoulder and said "Hey Girl...This is what you used to look like."

    From one "Big-Haired Chick" to another @;)

  9. LMAO! Do you use mineral makeup? 'Cuz he'd make an excellent buffer brush in a few weeks :)

  10. Haha that chick is gonna have a mullet! That is too funny...We just ordered some crazy looking polish chicks so I can't say anything...except our are going to look more like Vegas show girls...LOL He could be a fair project...

  11. what a gorgeous chicken! (even if it would freak me out too)

  12. MamaPea, do you think he/she will have a complex also??? Well 'the boys' say it is here for keeps, which is fine with me of course. Anything different they embrace!

    Jan, don't worry, since you say you are afraid to get out of the car when chickens are around, you should be safe. However if it winds up in your back seat, I'm innocent. :0)
    Oooh Tami! That was FLIPPIN' hilarious! LMAO! So true, so true! Right down to the @ and the smiley wink, which I interpreted as the big hair even!

    Erin, see now since we have decided to keep it you have given me the perfect use for it! Who'da thunk??? Funny girl!

    Laura-Lisa, hey weren't mullets from the 80s big hair days too? Vegas Show Girls...you guys are spot on tonight man! Good laughs going down!!

    Dmarie, well I am glad that someone besides me is just a bit freaked out too! Thanks for the boost!

  13. the question is, will he have a lot of meat on his bones?

  14. Pops, well I suppose one never knows what might be underneath all those feathers! According to your son though, this one ain't meeting his end...he's been saved by the ugly stick!

  15. Oh my gosh, he's adorable!! I think perhaps you will just have to love him up and take lots of pictures. What a cool chicken!!!

  16. Wow, you got yourself some chicken there... ;)

  17. Bahahahahahahahahahahahah...he's worse than chucky chicken BY FAR!

  18. MamaTea, yeah he is 'cool' alright! I am sure he will provide lots of laughs in the future.

    Mandy, I know...what was he thinking???

    Julee, well the other folks seem to think Big Hair Karma is coming back to us. I think they might be right!

  19. Catching up on your blog and that chicken is HYSTERICAL! I want one. :o)
