Thursday, November 4, 2010


I can't think of the word "Signs" without flashbacks to High School.

We loved our 'Hair Bands' back in the 80's.  This song was especially cool back then because we all had big hair - but for the most part, we were good kids.

Looking back, I wonder if I shouldn't have been just a little more 'bad'.  I mean success or failures didn't have a thing to do with me stinking at Algebra or not taking Trig.  My Freshman year, I learned to type on a typewriter.  (A WHAT?)  My Sophomore year, I took the first ever computer class offered at our High School.  It was all DOS and I got an 'A'.  Now there's a class that gave me alot of miles!  I dropped out of college after two years, got a job at with a very big company and later used those new-fangled computer skills to go places I never even thought of!  I remember when this new product called 'Windows' rolled out.  I was first in line jumping to learn!  I worked hard, made lots of money...and left!

But still, I didn't do anything bad in my Teen years that had any huge impact on my Adult life. 
I messed up parts of my adult life ... all by my adult-self. 
How's that for irony?

So if you could go back, what would you change? 
Would you be more daring? 
Walk the edge a little tighter? 
Or, would you straighten up and fly more right? 
Get better grades?

Me, I'd have a heck of alot more fun and take it with a side of bacon.  But I suppose that's the Hair talkin'.

Jokes aside, for those wondering, I don't touch the stuff.  I'm a big chicken, but one can be wistful.  Today my 'Signs' are entirely different.  I don't seek thrills, I seek peace and quite.  Which I never seem to get enough of! 

When you enter my house, the first sign you see is my "Welcome to Grand Central Station".  Immediately followed by this one...

Conflicted?  Sure, whatever!  You'd be even more conflicted if you knew my PlayList!


  1. I was bad, LOL! Not "bad" in the sense of drugs or anything, just a partier and rebeller against my parents bad! If I could go back I would have worked harder in school and spent more time with my family - I got decent grades, but now I know I could have done MUCH better! Sounds like we grew up about the same, class of '88 !

  2. What would I change? (How long do you have?) Of course, I'm looking at it all with a smidge of maturity and what I know now.

    Two big things: I'd not try to "fit in" but rather learn to be happy being myself. Secondly, I'd find somebody to listen to me, mentor me, encourage me, help me follow my dreams rather than thinking my parents or school counselors or authority figures in my life were right when they told me my dreams and desires weren't practical. Or sensible. Or possible.

  3. Erin, I never realized I could do better than just 'good' grades until college. Then I got great grades. So for HS, maybe I would try harder, but I was always so scared that the crap they fed us about our lives not amounting to much if we did or didn't take the right classes, or if we got in trouble it would follow us forever...Fear tactics I suppose. Do they still use those? Do they do that to your kids? I thought I had one year on you! See I was never good at math...Class of 89. Oh the fun!!

    MamaPea, now you got me wondering. What dreams and WHY would anyone tell a kid they weren't practical, sensible or possible??? What was it you wanted to be or do that any one in their right mind would deter a kid from??? Wait let me guess, generationally speaking the 50s and 60s, if memory serves me. Did you want something un-womanly? Pfft! Well I bet you showed them. But now I want to know.

  4. Have to be honest here, I was more than bad. I was a terror! And I have lots of scars and tattoos to prove it. There was nothing I wouldn't do.And Boy did I get in some major trouble. But I wouldn't change any of it, except Brian -now that a$$ I could have done without. I think it all made me who I am and know what I want out of life (and a husband). I am so much stronger for it. As an adult I did go another way but I still have a little wild streak and I love it.

  5. Jane, I think most of us had an a$$ in our history we would rather erase, right? But you are right in that it teaches us who and what we really want. So in that aspect, eraser or not, good things generally come from bad situations. Once we clear the cobwebs and see it for what it is. That which doesn't break us only makes us stronger. I think I have line backer in me.

  6. I graduated high school in 1961 (chronologically that makes me seem OLD, but luckily I don't feel that way!) and there were still male occupations and female occupations. I wanted so badly to take drafting in high school. (Now all done on computers, of course, but then done at a drafting table "by hand.") The school authorities said girls weren't allowed to take drafting and my parents agreed with them. I'm still kinda mad when I wonder where that training could have led me.

    I was talented artistically but that was squashed and poo-pooed by my dad because "you'll never be able to make a living" using that way. I wasn't mature enough or smart enough to pursue it on my own by hook or by crook.

    I went to school to become a teacher (I would have been such a bad one!) because my folks said I should choose teaching or nursing . . . that was a "good" career choice for a woman in those days.

    I just wasn't confident enough to stand up for myself. So that's what I would change if I could do it over again. I'd find a way to do what would have been good for ME.

  7. Mama, I think I could sit and listen to you for hours. And I have to say I do not think you are old! It's funny how far things have come for girls and choices. Other than brut force and muscle mass, there isn't much in the way of what we can't accomplish. And I suppose if we worked out more, we could even conquer that. But who the heck wants to exercise??? Not me! Blech!

    So I have decided to adopt you as my Aunt. And you can tell me stories any time you want. Promise I'll always listen.

  8. Yep, and I guess it's changed in the reverse way also. How many male nurses were there in the 60s, for instance? Now it's not at all uncommon to see several of them in a clinic or hospital situation.

    You say the sweetest things. But if you keep encouraging me, I'll have to start making up stories to keep you interested. (And you know it's not nice to lie.)

    Send the adoption papers and I'll sign them immediately.

    Auntie Mama Pea
