Saturday, January 29, 2011

Back to The Drawing Board

There's just not much going on these days other than Chicken Pickin'.  The place that I had hoped to order peeps from went MIA on me.  It was a local hatchery and I had been looking forward to picking them up myself.  So it would appear our peeps will be going thru the postal service after all.

I haven't convinced Pig Pen to build a Chicken Tractor for Red Rangers :(  It's not like he doesn't have a million other things to do, so I can forgive him, right?  He's busy body enough.  My girlfriend, Tricia, has visions of her and I building it.  Which I am sure we could...ha!  But not to Pig Pens specs and standards.  Oh, and she wants to paint it PINK! 

She's also naming all my chickens!

Since we aren't doing specific meat birds, we are adding Buff Orpington's to the mix.  I've heard really good things about them and the new book I got says they make excellent meat and layers.  Can't go wrong, I hope!

Rookie Rick found a friend who is ordering organic food-grade DE!  So we get to piggy-back the order.  Woohoo!  I was happy about that!  We are going to try the deep litter method and this will be key.  It's nice to have at least one local friend who does the same things we do.  So far, we have ordered seed, bees and now peeps together (well, peeps getting ordered this week).  It helps save on shipping costs when you buddy up!

Speaking of bees...we ordered 3 more this week!  The best part is -I don't have to DRIVE 8 hours to get them!!!  This makes me very happy!  Our hive count is going from 2 to 5!  I am getting very antsy to see how our existing 2 weather the winter.  I really hope they make a grand appearance come Spring!  The honey of course is excellent, but I am most looking forward to the pollinating benefits!

Tonight is "Date Night".  We were planning to see a movie and have dinner.  But ya know, we just don't enjoy those kinds of things as much as instead...we are going for a drive to visit...hold your hats...

A different Tractor Supply store and dinner.  :)

Now we're talkin'!


  1. Love your date night. Sounds like a perfect idea! We have some Buffs here and I would vouch for the fact they are EXCELLENT layers. They aren't the funnest to butcher however because they have a TON of feathers (but that is what makes them so hearty!!). Next bunch of Buffs we butcher we will skin instead of pluck. :)

  2. MamaTea, your Buffs are pretty little girls too...aside from what they did to your tomato plants that is ;) (shudder, cringe, scream) I will definetly keep the skinning vs plucking in mind! Thank you for that tip!

  3. Looks like you're getting all your ducks is a row for spring. I'm thinking of getting bees this year too. I used to have three hives and it was wonderful. I'm thinking you probably can build your chicken pen but PINK!!! LOL.

  4. Alla, Pink might be stretching even my limits! So I am with ya there! Now you mentioned 'ducks' in a row...stop putting ideas in my head :)

  5. Looks like things are coming together! Have fun on your date night! Sounds like fun to me! :)

  6. Sounds like a super fun date night! Eric and I will be spending our Date Night at home eating pizza and watching Dexter :-)

  7. J2, yeah our version of 'fun' is a little warped, huh? :o)

    Jen, a 'night in' is always good but w/ him, he'd be asleep in under 5 minutes if he sat still. So out we go!

  8. Ahhh You just never know what they will have at those OTHER tractor supply stores. Wait for us and we can do a double date. Because you never know what they may have at a Tractor Supply in ANOTHER State. Hold on we are leaving now!

  9. Jane, heehee! Aren't we just pathetic creatures! That would totally be something worth going on a double date! I just talked to my step mom and told her to find out where the feed stores are in her area since we are going next week. I should get a map and put pins in them! :)

  10. Had to laugh thinking about your "date night." But what is going to give you more enjoyment? Sitting in a movie theater or exploring a new farm store? Kinda like when I need a chirk-me-up, I go out into our feed room and count all the barrels of whole grains, laying mash and sunflower seeds for the wild birds. Is this normal or do we need help?

    Love Buff Orpingtons!

  11. MamaPea, oh, by far the farm store! I think normal is in the eye of the beholder. Cuz you sure do sound normal to me! Glad the Buff's get your vote too! I am looking forward to trying the different breeds and seeing which ones fit us the best.

  12. I haven't had a date night in 5 years, and Tractor Supply sounds DIVINE to me! I must really be one warped gal LOL!

  13. you guys should do this more often, I'll talk to Bud. Jan and I will have our date night too, same old same old.
    Have fun you two!!

  14. dang date night has consisted of helpin hubby get packed to go hog huntin lol does that count? well my part is makin sure he got clean drawers to take with em. A farm store or garden supply store sounds like a good date to me. Have fun....well maybe wait till ya get home for that. Otherwise ya might get some funny looks from people parked nearby in the parking lot. lol

  15. I was jealous reading about your "pickin the chicken" but now I'm even more jealous. Date night? And at the tractor supply to boot?? Awww man....

  16. That a girl! My kind of Although I could really go for dinner & some pig wrangling, like they use to have at the state Fairs. Getting dirty and adreniline pumping, trying to catch little pigs! suuweeet! My chicks should be here within the next 24 hours. So excited I couldnt sleep! What have we become?! Giddy for farm stores, chickens and dirt... Farm Addicted and never going Normal. ;)

  17. Erin, 5 years?? You guys are over due! You could go to a Tractor Supply, then a sewing/quilting store, then a farmer's market, then Amish bulk, then, about a poultry show?

    Pops, I have been working on him and even he admitted he had fun! :)

    Stella, I didn't think guys needed clean shorts when they went hunting! HA! No parking lot antics going old for that kind of stuff :)

    Tami, yes, it's every girls dream, I know!

    Farmchick, I would be excited too and not sleeping. Gosh I haven't chased pigs since I was a kid! But I do love dirt!

  18. Woo hoo, that's my kind of date! LOL. My DH loves the look of Buff Orps, but I didn't get any last year. I've thought about ordering more chickens, but I'm not sure how well they'd integrate. I'm hoping we can order some meat birds and just keep them separate till butchering. We'd have to build a chicken tractor ourselves in that case. Just not a pink one. :)

  19. Leigh, well hey, if Tricia and I knock this Chicken Tractor out, we'll build you one too. Don't worry, ours wouldn't really be pink ;)
